Weekly Sacred Circles

For details on these weekly circles, please click here.


Sunday Sacred Circle Hybrid

Sundays 5-6 pm

Spiritual Ecology Circle Hybrid

Mondays 5-6:15 pm

A Course in Miracles 


Every other Monday 6:30-8:00 pm

Compassion in Action Hybrid

Wednesdays 11 - 12:30pm

Lynn Woodland's Miracles Zoom

Wednesdays  7-8:15pm

Dream Discovery Hybrid

Thursdays 10:30am - noon

Spiritual Journey Circle Hybrid

Thursdays 5-6 pm

AA Open Meeting Meditation In Person

Thursdays 7-8 pm

Morning Yoga


8-9 am

Get your day off to a great start! Wake up the body and invigorate your mind and spirit with morning yoga. This integrated class offers a slow, meditative approach to yoga with a focus on breathing, core strength and proper body alignment. All levels of experience welcome.


Facilitated by Nichole Mena-Rovai, RYT 200, Jo Ann Ray, RYT 200, and Tina Ufford, RYT 200


 $8 per class / 7 classes $48 (one class free)

One month unlimited $75 

Tai Chi: Mobility for Life

Beginning January 3rd

Wednesdays Weekly
10:30 - 11:30 am

At The Red Shoes


Tai Chi is a wonderful mind-body exercise. Mind-body exercises combine body movement with mental focus and slow breathing. This combination supports relaxation and improves health and fitness. Clinical studies have shown that the slow, circular, and flowing movements enhance muscular strength, flexibility, and stamina while improving balance and posture.


In this beginner’s level class, you will practice the elements of a 14 move Yang style Tai Chi form. Come join us for this interesting and unique form of exercise that can be practiced throughout life. This is a very gentle exercise for all skill levels and no previous experience required.


Facilitated by Lisa Langlois, PhD, DMs, Reiki Master, and Meditation Teacher Certified as a Meditation Teacher by Natura Institute, Dr. Lisa has extensive practice and understanding of different meditation practices. 



Compassion in Action

Wednesdays Weekly
Beginning Jan 3rd

11 am - 12:30 pm



Currently Reading: Why Busing Failed by Matthew F. Delmont 


Join a circle that is focused on looking at old problems with new eyes and open hearts. Through shared leadership, this book study group deepens awareness and awakens interest in ways to co-create a healthier, more compassionate and equitable world.


Why Busing Failed explores the history of school desegregation through busing in the United States. This groundbreaking book shows how school officials, politicians, the courts, and the media shaped the implementation and failure of busing as a means to address racial inequality in education. 


Facilitated by Compassion in Action Circle members.


Suggested Monthly Donation $20


Spiritual Journey Circle 

Thursdays Weekly

Beginning Jan 4th

5 - 6 pm



Currently Reading: Wisdom Rising: Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine by Lama Tsultrim Allione


Join us to connect deeply with the transformative power of the Sacred Feminine, The author of Wisdom Rising, shares her own story of loss and spiritual seeking, paired with mandala meditations and rituals. Embody the enlightened, fierce power of the sacred feminine—the tantric dakinis. As a circle of seekers, we immerse in diverse spiritual teachings. Share in discussions that enrich life on a deep, personal level. Return weekly for spiritual connection and community.


Facilitated by Wendy Herschman, Executive Director of The Red Shoes

$8 per class / 7 for $48


AA Open Meeting Meditation
Thursdays  Weekly

Beginning Jan 4

7 - 8 pm

At The Red Shoes


Together we explore guided meditation and share our experience, strength & hope toward living a Sober Life.

Sunday Sacred Circle: Matters of the Heart

Sundays Weekly

Beginning Jan 7

5-6 pm

Nourish your spirit: a time of introspection, ecumenical and inter-religious unity expressed through prayer, chanting, inspirational readings and silence with Spirit.


Facilitated by inspired members of the circle.

Donations Appreciated


Book Study: The Wisdom of Not Knowing

Mondays Weekly

Beginning Jan 8th

12 noon -1:30 pm

Zoom Only



Book: The Wisdom of Not Knowing: Discovering a Life of Wonder by Embracing Uncertainty

by Estelle Frankel


Join a thought-provoking book study that will lead you away from the torment of worry and experiencing unpredictability as a foe to a place of welcoming that which we can not know : This is the journey from Knowledge to Wisdom. In The Wisdom of No Knowing, by Estelle Frankel, the author weaves together myths, stories and teachings from depth psychology, Kabbalah, Buddhism, Christianity and Hinduism to show how Soul can be grown by tapping into the wisdom of not knowing. Discover how in times of darkness and uncertainty, we can grow in courage and creativity to heal our negativity by journeying  into the land of “not knowing.”



Facilitated by Joan McCaskill, MA, Spiritual Director.

    $40 / For 4 Weeks


Spiritual Ecology Circle

Mondays Weekly

Beginning Jan 8

5:00 -6:15 pm



Join our Spiritual Ecology Circle to connect with nature and nature beings to help heal us and the Earth.


As we study our new book selection, Speaking with Nature, we will explore practices to communicate with nature and access the creative power of the Earth.  Learn wisdom teachings from conversations with nature beings, such as Snowy Owl and Snake about the role we have in bringing balance to the planet.  By opening our minds, hearts, and senses we can consciously awaken to the magic of the wild, the rhythms of nature, and the profound feminine wisdom of the Earth.


Through weekly discussions, we will reclaim and strengthen our capacity to face planetary crises and respond with unexpected resilience and creative power.


To find out more about the Spiritual Ecology Circle, click here


Facilitated by members of Spiritual Ecology Circle.


Monthly suggested donation $20


A Course in Miracles

Mondays Biweekly 

Beginning Jan 8

6:30-8:00 pm

Zoom Only


Seeking happiness and peace? Our weekly study of A Course in Miracles is a powerful, life-changing course. This universal spiritual teaching offers daily exercises to raise awareness of love’s presence, and through forgiveness, heal relationships. Join us to discuss the daily exercises and build a circle of support for this transformative inner work.


Facilitated by Jamie Allison, who has studied A Course in Miracles for many years. 

Monthly suggested donation $20
To Receive the Zoom Link: Register

Volunteer: Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank 
Tuesday, January 9th 

9:30 am - 11:30 am

Location: 10600 S Choctaw Dr.  
(Fraenkel Center) 


Looking to be of service? Offer two hours of your time this month with The Red Shoes as a volunteer at in the Food Bank. Help us achieve their mission to feed the hungry in Baton Rouge - especially at this time when the need has grown. All food must be sorted and categorized for distribution. That is where we come in; we will meet at the food bank to sort or bag food.


  Wear Closed-toe shoes/No Fee 


Book Study: On The Brink of Everything

Tuesdays Weekly

Beginning Jan 9-March 5th

10:30 -12 pm


“My life has been graced, but it certainly hasn’t been graceful – I’ve done more than my share of falling down, getting up, and falling down again.”


Join us to explore the road ahead through a study of, On the Brink of Everything, Parker Palmer’s book that focuses on the reflective exploration of aging, spirituality, and the meaningful dimensions of life. With wit and wisdom, Parker Palmer helps us reframe aging as a passage of discovery and engagement, not decline and inaction.

This beautiful blend of stories, poetry, and contemplative wisdom encourages us to reconsider our perspective on aging. Palmer, drawing from his personal experiences and wisdom, delves into the richness that comes with growing older. This book embarks on the universal journey of finding meaning and connection at every stage of life.

Facilitated by Kerri D’Amico and Debbie Morrill, both graduates of the Religious Studies Institute and sister pilgrims in awe that we are all here now together on this journey to learn and grow from our experiences and one another. Kerri is also a graduate of Richard Rohr’s Living School and Debbie continues as a student of nature. 


8 Weeks/ $80


Fireside Astrology: Return to the Ancient Wisdom of the Elements

Tuesday, January 9th 
5:30 - 6:45 pm

At The Red Shoes


Explore the wisdom of your ancient soul by connecting to the four elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Experience the energies of the Astrological season through planet and sign archetypes, meditation, automatic writing, and witnessing one another’s journeys. Immerse yourself and awaken to a deeper sense of compassion.


Facilitated by Jodi Perrodin, an eternal student of the stars, a graduate of Debra Silverman’s Applied Astrology school. 



Meditation: Kundalini

Wednesday, January 10th

5-6 pm
At The Red Shoes

Osho Kundalini meditation is an active meditation meant to transform energy through the body. This meditation lets us tap into the body’s divine energy through four stages: shaking, dancing, sitting, and lying down. It is a highly effective way of unwinding and letting go at the end of the day. Dress for comfort and come as you are. 

Facilitated by Holly Liner, certified EFT & meditation practitioner, yoga instructor, and poet. She studied yoga in Rishikesh, India and loves sharing holistic healing modalities that have helped her find peace on her soul-seeking journey.



Suggested Donation $5


Lynn Woodland’s Miracles Course

Wednesdays Weekly

Beginning Jan 10th

7-8:15 pm Central Time 

Zoom Only

Live your miraculous life! Miracles take us out of the predictable and into the extraordinary where frequent serendipities, personal breakthroughs, and joy become the new normal. We are all capable of living a miraculous life. 

The Winter Quarter is all about the hopefulness of light returning at a time of great darkness. 


Some things we will focus on this Winter quarter:

  • What do you want to grow into your life over the next year?
  • Are you ready to dream bigger dreams to grow the life you want?
  • Where is there an empty space ready to be filled? 
  • Would you like to feel more connected to your spirit, your intuition, and your inner guidance?
  • Are you ready to transform despair into faith and cultivate miracle-mindedness?

Just as winter darkness gives way to the light of spring, classes this season align with the power of winter to call forth renewal and rebirth.

Sessions include information and exercises for applying spiritual principles to everyday life and an interactive opportunity to ask questions and receive personal input. Join any time. Drop in or attend regularly.


Facilitated by Lynn Woodland, creator of the Miracles Course, is an international teacher and human potential expert whose particular expertise is in what gives rise to miracles and in teaching ordinary people to live extraordinary lives so that miracles become, not just possible, but natural.  


Lynn is donating this year long study to The Red Shoes to support the growth of our Red Shoes community.


Learn More 

Suggested Weekly Minimum Donation $10

To Receive the Zoom Link: Register

(PAUSED) Dream Discovery: A Portal to the Source


Beginning Jan 11th

10:30 am - 12 noon

Zoom Only


Deepen your journey of self-discovery through dream work. We will enrich our discussion with an ongoing study of Dreams, A Portal to the Source , by Edward C. Whitmont & Sylvia Brinton Perera.


Discover more about yourself as you learn to work with your dreams. The language of dreams offers valuable insights into understanding your relationships, your choices, your past and your future. Basic elements of Carl Jung’s work are a part of this exploration. While studying and sharing dreams, we learn ways to understand them in a meaningful way.


Facilitated by Joan McCaskill, Spiritual Director, MA.

Monthly $20

Emotional Freedom Technique
Saturday, January 13th 

10:30- 12pm

At The Red Shoes


Ready to Refresh Your Energy for a New Year?

You wont believe how different you feel after an experience with EFT. Learn a technique that you can bring into your daily routine to promote inner calm, everyday.


Emotional Freedom Techniques is a technique that involves tapping on specific points on the body to release stress and restore balance to the mind and body. EFT or Tapping, is based on the principles of acupuncture, cognitive and behavioral therapies. EFT works by calming the brain’s stress response and allowing new neural patterns to form, thus releasing negative emotions that are stored in the body's energy system and restoring balance to the body's energy pathways. 


Facilitated by Karen White, a retired healthcare professional visiting from Nashville, who has benefitted personally from EFT. She has been an EFT Clinical Practitioner for over 10 years.





Creative Movement: Express Yourself 
Sunday, January 14th 

2 - 4 pm

At The Red Shoes


Did you know there is a universal language of movement? Learn about the expressive vocabulary of moving your own body.
We will explore practices to connect with the true ”self” and how to embody that sense of being. As we tap into that sacred space, we will connect with an intention for the new year and animate it through movement and dance. 

Sacred, creative movement is as ancient as the stars and reveals the great radiance of your inner light. In this sacred window of time, we will explore and ignite our divine wisdom expressed through movement.  Personal, local and universal expansiveness will be at hand! Come and Be Blessed while you bless others in this “creation” in movement that reflects your sacred spirit of being now and throughout this New Year. 

Facilitated by Elizabeth Moore Standifer, who was a member of Baton Rouge Ballet Theatre. Elizabeth completed graduate studies in Dance Therapy in 2022 and has a passion for including all dancers, with and without disabilities.

  Suggested Donation $10 


MLK Day: A Day of Service
Monday, January 15th 

11 - 4pm

At The Red Shoes


Join us as we honor the legacy of servant leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Be a part of our sandwich making project for the Community Fridge or fill your car trunk with treasures to give away on this day of service and sharing.
Our parking lot will become a treasure seekers delight: your give away items may be just what someone needs. Stay as long as you want and drive away with your leftovers. Sandwich makers: bring bread and filling and we will be making sandwiches together. More details to come. Plan to come to The Red Shoes for this day of service.


  No Fee 


Meditation: Restore, Refresh, Renew

Wednesday, January 17th
5:00 - 6:00 pm

At The Red Shoes

Nourish your mind, body, and spirit.

Discover the gifts of meditation. Time to clear away the fog and see the light of your inspiration. Join Robyn Vie-Carpenter-Brisco, aka Goddess of Joy, for an enlightening, joyful, evening meditation class that is sure to create more space and clarity of the mind, and brighten your inner and outer world.


Facilitated by Robyn Vie-Carpenter-Brisco, Spiritual Life Coach, Author of Let's Get Stoned: Using Stones & Crystals, teaching spiritual empowerment to lead you to a life that rocks!

Suggested Donation $5


Cycles of Life Legacy

Saturday, Jan 20th 
10am - 3pm

At The Red Shoes


Discover and experience a novel and unique process that will reveal your life story from a vantage point that you’ve never seen before.

This wide angle perspective brings a fresh and deep understanding to the contributions and gifts you’ve been sharing all along but were too close to notice. These revelations establish a foundation to acknowledge any unfinished business, create a vision for the future, and affirm the next steps of actualization. Participants leave with a renewed sense of satisfaction, clarity, and inner peace from this overlook of their life legacy. 

Facilitated by Albert Pellissier is a Level 2 certified Breathwork Facilitator and has been leading groups and individuals through this powerful work for the last 7 years, 68 sessions in 2022 alone. 




Meditation: Emotional Freedom Technique

Wednesday, January 24

5:00 - 6:00 pm

At The Red Shoes


Explore the tool of Tapping, also called Emotional Freedom Technique. Learn how to use this unique modality combining ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. Using heart activation breathing, we’ll connect with our compassionate center as we tap together. EFT is used for a wide range of experiences, so you’ll take away a tool that you can use in your daily life.  


Facilitated by Holly Liner, a certified EFT and Meditation practitioner and poet. 

Suggested Donation $5


Sound Bath

Saturday, January 27th 

10:30-12 pm

At The Red Shoes

Join KK for a deeply immersive and meditative sound experience. Sound baths can be an incredible way to ease stress. Each person will lie on a mat or blanket, with a head pillow, and eye covering to relax while listening to the soothing sounds of crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, chimes, gongs, bells, rattles, rain sticks, African harp, & other overtone emitting instruments. Sound Therapy is effective in not only achieving a state of relaxation but it also has a way of moving through [energy] blockages in the body.


Note: Dress comfortably, and consider bringing a blanket, pillow, etc.


Updated Facilitator: Facilitated by Karen Koprowski, a Reiki Master/Teacher, Sounder, QHHT Practitioner, Akashic Reader & Channel Medium with training done in South Louisiana, Maui, Hi. and Sedona, Az. For additional information, follow Reiki Arts + L'Amour Louisiane on FB & Instagram or www.ReikiArtskk.com 



Meditation Mondays

Monday, January 29th 

6-6:45 pm

At The Red Shoes


Join Robyn on the last Monday of the month to check in with body, mind and spirit:
“Take this moment, take a breath, and drop into stillness.”

We’ll focus on the bell. It is the signal to go deeper, release more and be completely present. By first coming into stillness, we will be able to focus our energy on the best solutions and actions, without fear, stress, or worry. When aligned and centered through stillness, you are living, thinking, and embodying your most Spiritually Empowered Self. This is the perfect way to complete a month. Please come a few minutes early, we will not admit participants after meditation begins at 6pm. 


Facilitated by Robyn Vie-Carpenter-Brisco, Spiritual Life Coach, Author of Let's Get Stoned: Using Stones & Crystalsteaching spiritual empowerment to lead you to a life that rocks!


Suggested Donation $5


Women Remembering: Facets of the Sacred Feminine 

Tuesday, January 30th 
:30-6:45 pm

Zoom Only


"With so much going on in the world, it’s vital that we live from our deeper nature. It is said that we choose our own names, and that our name is sacred. Reflecting on our name is a way to orient ourselves to the light within. A light that shines onto the path before us. This is so practical, opening us to a way of being that gives us our bearing and strength in a changing world." ~ Anne Scott


Join Anne Scott, an inspired leader of women's circles across the country, for an intimate monthly circle of sharing and witnessing. Explore the uniqueness of prayer, feeling a sense of awe and connection to " the ordinary." Realizing there is no ordinary... Let prayer be the bridge between our inner and outer lives and the world around us. The circle will include a short silent meditation of the heart, and time for sharing and discussion. 


Facilitated by Anne Scott, Founding Director of Dreamweather Foundation

Suggested Minimum Donation $15


Meditation: Resting in Awareness

Wednesday, January 31st 

At The Red Shoes


Join us for a time of stillness, a time to open to true reality.  Based on the teachings of the Buddhist teacher, Burgs, we will cultivate an embodied practice of resting in awareness. It will be offered as a guided meditation along with a period of silence.  There will be time for discussion after the meditation.

For those interested, Burgs website is “thertofmeditation.org


Facilitated by Rosemary Roberts who has been engaged in mediation practice for over 50 years. She is a student of Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee and  has joined The Golden Sufi order. Since 2019, Rosemary has benefitted from the teachings of Burgs and she is eager to share his teachings with others. 

                                                                              Suggested Donation $5
