Sunday Sacred Circle: Matters of the Heart

Sundays           Weekly           5-6 pm


Nourish your spirit: a time of introspection, ecumenical and inter-religious unity expressed through prayer, chanting, inspirational readings and silence with Spirit.


Facilitated by inspired members of the circle.

Donations appreciated

Spiritual Ecology Circle

Mondays           Weekly           6-7:15 pm


Join us to explore the spiritual dimension of our present ecological crisis. This Circle grows out of the awareness that the outer destruction we see in the world is related to an inner disconnection from and disregard for the sacred within all of life. Through book studies, film screenings, speakers, ceremonies and activities in nature, we will explore ideas and ways of seeing that bring us back into relationship with an animate, ensouled world.  Cultivating a sense of humility and joy in being a part of the natural world, we will move towards an ethics of responsibility, reciprocity, care and love for each other, the earth and all beings.    


Please note: The aim of this group is to be both a safe space where we can feel supported in expressing and exploring our experiences and emotions relating to nature and the crises we face, and a brave space where we are encouraged and challenged to learn and expand our perspectives. The multiple crises we face are interconnected, and we cannot talk about ecological destruction without talking about white supremacy, sexism, ableism and other forms of oppression. Before joining our circle, please consider if you are willing to embrace discomfort and commit to holding multiple perspectives at the same time. Silence, listening, vulnerability, self-awareness, presence, respect, depth, compassion, courage and non-judgement are skills we are practicing in this circle, and we are all both students and teachers to each other.  


Facilitated by members of the circle.

Monthly suggested donation $20

A Course in Miracles

Mondays           Weekly         7-8:30 pm


Seeking happiness and peace? Our weekly study of A Course in Miracles is a powerful, life-changing course. This universal spiritual teaching offers daily exercises to raise awareness of love’s presence, and through forgiveness, heal relationships. Join us to discuss the daily exercises and build a circle of support for this transformative inner work.


Facilitated by Jaime Allison, who has studied A Course in Miracles for many years. 

Monthly suggested donation $20

Compassion in Action Circle

Wednesdays         Weekly      11:00 am-12:30 pm


Join a vibrant group for thought provoking dialogue of current social justice topics in a respectful setting. Based on books chosen by the group, discussion will increase your awareness, deepen your compassion, and inspire action to create a better community and world.


Facilitated by Compassion in Action Circle members.


Suggested monthly donation $20


Dream Discovery: A Portal to the Source

Thursdays           Weekly       10:30 am-12 pm

Fall Schedule 2nd & 4th Thursdays


Discover more about yourself as you learn to work with your dreams. The language of dreams offers valuable insights into understanding your relationships, your choices, your past and your future. Basic elements of Carl Jung’s work are a part of this exploration. While studying and sharing dreams, we learn ways to interpret and understand them in a meaningful way.


Currently reading: Dreams, A Portal to the Source Dreams, by Edward C. Whitmont & Sylvia Brinton Perera.


Facilitated by Joan McCaskill, Spiritual Director, MA.

Monthly $40

Spiritual Journey Circle
Thursdays         Weekly         5-6 pm


As a circle of seekers, we immerse in diverse spiritual teachings. Share in discussions that enrich life on a deep, personal level. A study of thought-provoking writers and luminaries enhance this spiritual journey. Return weekly for spiritual connection and community.


Facilitated by Wendy Herschman, Executive Director of The Red Shoes, & Spiritual Journey Circle members.

Suggested donation $20
