Book Study:

A Self-Study
Me and White Supremacy


7 study groups have completed this study. We will soon have a new book decided upon, and you will have the opportunity to join other participants to invest in this learning process.

The Red Shoes eight-week self-study based on the new book Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad.


This book creates access points to the places racism hides: within our beliefs; within the structures that offer us comfort; and within the ideals with which we were raised.


This study invites a challenging experience.  It's a time to commit to deeper levels of self-examination and active dismantling of our own participation in systems of oppression.


The time is now, the work is hard. Together, in circle, we will transform the inner so it can be reflected in our humanity and in how we live together. 
Fees for this class are at your discretion, starting at $20 donation for the 8 week experience. If able to pay more, your contribution will support ongoing anti-racism and racial equity programs.  Scholarships available at request.


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Click on the video below to watch Layla Saad, author of  Me and White Supremacy, share her thoughts on writing the book.

In the video below Layla Saad, author of  Me and White Supremacy, speaks on privilege.