Lifting Loans
Women Helping Women: That's what Lifting Loans is all about!
Lifting Loans recipients: People's Choice Insurance
The Red Shoes is dedicated to the empowerment of all women. Through our Lifting Loans program, we assist women who are attempting to start or grow small businesses and help them transition to economic success and independence.
The Lifting Loans program offers low interest micro-loans to female entrepreneurs in the Baton Rouge area. Our supportive program combines education, understanding, mentorship and low interest loans to help women in our community. We are proud to be a catalyst for women entering the world of business.
If you are ready to start a business or know a woman who lacks start up capital for a new business, please call The Red Shoes (338-1170) or read our Lifting Loans brochure (pdf), for more information about this low interest business loan opportunity for women. Please contact us either by email or phone at 338-1170.
You Can Help Support Lifting Loans
Donate to Lifting Loans:
To make a donation to help support Lifting Loans, you can help us by donating securely through Paypal.
Become a Mentor:
Are you interested in becoming a mentor for a new small business owner?
Meet: Collette Desselles
We're so proud of Collette Desselles, a recipient of a Lifting Loan from The Red Shoes.
She now runs Lean on Me, a successful non-profit. The Advocate did a nice story on her.
“It has been my dream to provide housing for homeless women.” Collette Desselles took the first step in 2007 and established her non-profit Lean On Me, which created programs to bring awareness to the obstacles homeless women face: the AIDS epidemic, domestic violence, low paying jobs and mental illness. “This brought in donations but it was not enough to take the next step. Providing safe and affordable housing became my passion.”
In September 2013, Colette found a building that could house eight women. Unfortunately the “perfect” building needed work. It had no shower or tub. “With limited funds, my dream was at a standstill. We could not open the door without complete bathrooms.” How could she get the funds we needed when she could not qualify for a conventional loan?
Collette applied for a Red Shoes micro-loan and after presenting the business proposal and showing her passion for this project, she received a Lifting Loan.
“The bathroom was built to code and we opened the doors and quickly filled to capacity. Women have found a safe and affordable place to live. We are so grateful to The Red Shoes program for giving us a chance.”